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All Prophets Are Wrong

    All Prophets Are Wrong is a sound space governed by the capture of particles coming from the background radiation through a Geiger Counter. The random intervals of the radiation detections are linked to an internal random process of the system that hosts them, which generates the wandering of these signals through 9 bells of old clocks. Released from their original function, the bells are no longer obliged to give the hours, but instead, they count the unpredictable rhythm of invisible particles coming from space. Following the capricious occurrence of these particles, the bells can remain silent or be activated, and depending on their order and rhythm, occasionally get into resonance between them. Through that subtle listening layer, those resonances and silences seem to want to talk about another quality of links and stories. 

    All Prophets Are Wrong belongs to Bruniana project (Little Dramaturgy for Technical Objects) Bruniana (Rel. To Bruno, Giordano) 1. fem. An indeterminate set of aesthetic-technical objects with emission-listening abilities in order to work with elusive nature signals. Technologically experimental and poetically speculative, they reveal different forces, themes, durations and entanglements. Production: Huarte Contemporary Art Center. Government of Navarra. Software: vvvv